Structural Inpsections

Structural Survey Reports

Structural Survey Report is also referred to as an Engineer’s Report, a Structural Engineer’s Report, or a Structural Survey.

There are two main types of Structural Report, both of which we can cater for:

Specific Structural Inspection….quite often a surveyor or valuer carries out a survey on a property and identifies a structural defect/problem.

Our Engineer will provide specialist advice for likely causes of the defect, and also offer advice on any necessary remedial works. Common defects include:

  • Subsidence
  • Cracks forming in walls
  • Damage caused by removed walls
  • Roof structure alterations
  • Absence/inadequacies of lintels
  • Bulging walls
  • Foundation undermining

General Structural Inspection…rather than focusing on a specific defect, our Engineer will carry out an inspection of all load-bearing elements of the property. Also taken into consideration will be the surrounding site and any other factors which could impact on the overall stability of the structure.

  • Our reports will be carried out by a Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer with extensive experience of Structural Reports in the Greater Manchester area.
  • We offer different types of inspections depending on your specific needs.
  • We can give you a price with no hidden extras.
  • We can give additional Structural advice if required.
  • Please contact us with any questions or for a quotation.

*Current offer price is for a limited time only and based on small to medium residential properties in the local area. Please call and mention the website offer for further details.